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Carl Zeiss Analytical SEM + Aztec EDS
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Live cell imaging with control of temperature, humidity and CO2, O2
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A Leica upright microscope, high quality objectives from 10x - 63x. In addition, the scan head can be attached to inverted microscope if required by prior arrangement.
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High-resolution spectral confocal, with a single detection channel and four lasers that can be used for sequential imaging of multiple fluorophores.
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High-resolution spectral confocal, with a single detection channel and four lasers that can be used for sequential imaging of multiple fluorophores.
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High-resolution spectral confocal, with a single detection channel and four lasers that can be used for sequential imaging of multiple fluorophores.
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Total Internal Reflection confocal with SIM scanner and perfect focus.
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Combined with the high speed 12 kHz scanner and the largest field of view the TCS SP8 is the perfect tool for multiphoton microscopy.
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3 Colour, incl Violet and visible microscope
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Spinning Disk Confocal
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A Zeiss LSM 710 inverted confocal microscope with a wide range of excitation lasers.
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Slide Scanner
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Main applications: Fixed tissue/cells and short term live cell imaging
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Selection and collection of clustered or single cells, chromosome spreads and tissue sections for downstream analysis or live culture
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A Leica fixed stage upright microscope with temperature and CO2 controlled Ludin chamber, AOBS spectral scan head and 10x - 63x long working distance water immersion objectives
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A Leica upright microscope with temperature controlled Ludin Chamber, high quality objectives and motorised xyz stage.
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Combined with the high speed 12 kHz scanner and the largest field of view the TCS SP8 is the perfect tool for multiphoton microscopy.
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Main Applications: Fixed tissue preparations, (e.g., wholemount retinae), and cells.
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Main Applications: Suitable for fixed cells and tissue preparations.
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Main Applications: Fixed cells and tissue preparations.
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