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AVAILABILITY | 09:00 - 17:30 for new users. 24/7 for experienced users |
TRAINING | Training is required to use this item and we can arrange this if needed. |
CONTACT 1 | David Becker |
CONTACT 2 | Christopher Thrasivoulou |
Enquire about this item | |
SITE | Bloomsbury Campus |
High-resolution spectral confocal, with a single detection channel and four lasers that can be used for sequential imaging of multiple fluorophores. Equipped with an environmental chamber with separate temperature amd CO2 control for live-cell/embryo imag
Variable motorised pinhole 405, 488, 532 and 635nm excitation Low-noise solid-state lasers High dynamic PMT with photon booster technology Freely tuneable spectral detection (430 - 750nm) AOTF tuning for minimising cell damage Motorised beam
Item ID #
.Last Updated: 16th January, 2014
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